The many copies of Cop on the Edge

For those who don’t know the history, Cop on the Edge IX: Prelude to Justice premiered at the ABC in Newport, South Wales, in 1998 – it actually started shooting in January 1997. That’s almost two years to complete – yet the original 2 minute spoof that inspired Cop on the Edge was conceived and shot in the summer of 1995 – some 16 years ago.

We mention this because we’ve noticed there are a number of different ‘cops on the edge’ knocking about the Internet, and we wouldn’t want anyone confused as to which cop first set foot over the edge and tossed away his badge in anger.

Yes, we realise we’re arguing over who first coined a well-worn phrase by the time we coined it, but we’re petty like that. In any case, here is one of the many videos pertaining to be a ‘Cop on the Edge’, yet without any sign of Jake Cop… the lunacy of it all.

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